Getting up and running with Wings is quick and easy.It is a small download so you can install in a matter of minutes and give Wings a try.
Unzip the installation package wings.tar.gz tar -zxvf wings.tar.gz
Creating a compilation database
(1) For the makefile project,install>2.7) cmake
cmake source code make all Make install
(2) For the cmake project
(3) For other ways to generate and compile databases, please refer to
./Wings -a <compile_commands.json path> <src folder path> ./Wings -a /home/teststar/leveldb-master/leveldb/build/compile_commands.json /home/teststar/leveldb-master/leveldb/build
-d <compile_commands.json path> <src folder path> <src is c++ or c> ./Wings -d /home/teststar/leveldb-master/leveldb/build/compile_commands.json /home/teststar/leveldb-master/leveldb/build c++
-e <compile_commands.json path> <src is c++ or c> ./Wings -e /home/teststar/leveldb-master/leveldb/build/compile_commands.json c++
-c <compile_commands.json path> <src folder path> <src is c++ or c> ./Wings -c /home/teststar/leveldb-master/leveldb/build/compile_commands.json /home/teststar/leveldb-master/leveldb/build
./Wings -h
After the command is executed, the corresponding funxml and globalxml directories will be generated in the wingsproject directory, that is, the source code analysis file will be generated.
./ -d <compile_commands.json path> <src folder path> <src is c++ or c>
./ -e <compile_commands.json path> <src is c++ or c>
./ -c <compile_commands.json path> <src folder path> <src is c++ or c>
Creating a compilation database
(1) installing the vs plug-in Sourcetrail.Extension.v2.0.3.130.vsix ,Sourcetrail will appear in the menu bar of vs, choose to create a compilation database, and generate a complie_command.json file corresponding to the source program.
(2) qt contains the file that generates the built-in compiled database, under Edit-> Generate Copmliation Database for "Project".
PSD refers to the description of the source code, including class name, class member variable information, class function information, and various types of information.Type information refers to the data types of function parameters, global variables, and return values.
The drive code refers to the unit test code. Wings obtains the description information of the function. According to the coding rules, the test code is automatically generated for different types of parameters, global variables, and return values.Wings mainly expands the parameters layer by layer, and resolves to the bottom layer as the basic type for processing. The assignment part of the driver mainly deals with basic types.
Wings test case data is randomly generated and supports int, char, double, float, bool, char * types. The data table supports editing any value.
The wings parameter capture function is mainly to obtain the function parameter value, global variable value and return value information at runtime.